Good morning, Marysville! It’s Groundhog Day! Earlier today Punxsutawney Phil declared that spring should come early! My guess is, you’ll still need some more coffee (if nothing else to deal with all the exclamation points already used in this opening paragraph)!
☀️State of the City
On Wednesday, January 31, Mayor Nehring gave his annual “State of the City” address to an almost-full Marysville Council Chambers.
The evening started with a four-minute video recap of various city projects completed and events held in 2023, followed by recognition of all the current Council Members and various heads of city departments and other visiting officials, including Lynnwood Mayor, Christine Frizzell. Then the Mayor began his report. Sophia Gates gives three takeaways from the evening at The Herald.
For all the work that remains, thank you, Mayor Nehring and Council and staff, for how much you’ve already done and continue to do on our behalf.
The entire program is now online and available to watch here.
☀️New Church Launch - LifePoint Marysville
LifePoint Church will launch their Marysville location at 1607 Fourth Street this Sunday, February 4, with services at 9:00am and 10:30am under the shepherding of Campus Pastor, Alexio Gomez. See their website for more info and directions.
☀️Around Town
There is a Special Election Ballot for voters to “decide…whether to continue paying a 0.2% sales and use tax…to preserve, maintain and expand the City’s transportation infrastructure.” See more about the Transportation Benefit District here.
Congratulations to VanderBeken Remodel for winning the Home Remodeling category in the “Best of Snohomish County 2023”! See all the winners here.
Early Tuesday morning there was a fatal accident on Southbound I-5 in north Marysville that led to a four-mile backup. KING5 News reported on the accident and the delays here.
The February City Scene newsletter is available here, with LOTS of info, including job openings in city departments and a primer on how the city cleans stormwater (don’t say you don’t want to know more about that).
☀️Coming Events
Marysville Presents “You’re Out!” (ha, that’s just our editorial alternative title) - Tuesday, February 6, 6:30pm. See the city event page for more info and registration.
Cupid Shuffle 5k Fun Run - Saturday, February 10, 9:00am at Ebey Waterfront Park. See here for more info and to purchase enrollment. If nothing else you can get into a calorie deficit before a week of consuming Valentine’s candy and chocolate.
☀️Friday Fun
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The Marysville Sun provides news and perspective—with a little bit of fun—for Marysville's stakeholders about what's at stake.
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