Just a couple days ago the Sun crossed the century mark of subscribers. Good morning to all of you, and welcome the tenth issue!
☀️Get Out of Government Schools
On July 21st a group of pastors and ministry leaders met for lunch at the 92nd Street Church of Christ to hear from a number of Christian educators offering alternatives to the local government schools.
The luncheon was organized by Shawn Schrader, co-founder of The Engagement Academy (highlighted in Issue 06 of the Sun). After an opening prayer, Mayor Jon Nehring spoke for a few minutes about various partnership opportunities between government and the faith community. Then Mr. Schrader gave a brief timeline of schooling in the United States and emphasized how much truth, virtue, and culture has been lost as teachers’ unions partnered with progressive politicians to gain control of classrooms and curriculum. He gave away copies of a few relevant books including this highly recommended new resource, Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation.
Mr. Wade Rinehardt, in the fourth position on the Marysville School District Board of Directors, was in attendance and shared his desire to see changes in the public system.
But the majority of the program involved presentations from some of the private, non-government run options including Evangel Classical School, Family Academy, Stride Christian Academy, Classical Conversations, and The Engagement Academy.
There are a growing number of choices and resources, for different types of homeschooling as well as for different models of day schools. Perhaps this luncheon will be the start of an alliance between Christian educators to inspire the start of even more options and to encourage Christian parents to get their kids out of government schools.
☀️Toddlers on the Run
by Maggie Rothenberger
Every Thursday this July, I have taken my three month old son, Peter, to the All Comers Track Meets. I do not run—and neither does Peter, though he finds the whole thing fascinating—but we sit with family, watching my sister race. The concrete stands are cool with breeze, and my sister is fast, naturally meant to run.
But, to be fair, we also go to watch the toddlers run.
I’d wager that you’ve not seen something quite as cute as a full heat of toddlers making their way through a track race; some of them concentrating and pumping their little legs with fervor, some of them looking for mom and wandering into other lanes. There’s surprisingly few falls with such novice runners, and lots of smiles and cheering from everyone.
Toddlers are not the only welcome runners; if you can walk, you can race! I love seeing the broad range of people, from older runners who clearly used to do track, to kids who need an energy outlet, and one man who looked like he had been dared to do a hurdle race.
Curious how fast you can run a sprint? Think you’d be great at shot-put? Have a group of friends you want to run a relay with? Always wanted to attempt a long jump or high jump? Have a kid who’s too young for a track team but really wants to run? Like seeing toddlers being cute? Then these really are the track meets you should go to.
These track meets have been going on for quite a few years, and while the last of the year was held last night, I preemptively encourage you to mark out time for them next July. Held by the Marysville Parks, Culture, Recreation Department at Lakewood High School, they are free to spectate, and only $5 per participant to enter, which seems worth it to me. I can’t wait ‘till Peter can run in them himself!
☀️New City Council Member

Be sure to click through to the city news release for more.
And don’t forget the 2022 Primary Voter Recommendations in last week’s issue of the Sun. Ballots are due by 8:00pm next Tuesday, August 2.
☀️Next Week
National Night Out - Tuesday, August 2, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM at Jennings Park

Rummage Sale - Friday and Saturday, August 5-6, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM at Evangel Classical School - 9015 44th Dr. NE.

☀️Friday Fun
When cookies and politics mix:
No Socialism cookie for me, thanks...